Nanobubble Hydrotherapy | TheWhiteWaterCompany.Com

 • 800L Micro Bubble tank. Shells are placed in a rotating barrel that ensures total cleaning and drip-dries the shells

 • CO2 dissolved into water through Micro Bubbles which creates carbonic acid

 • By measuring the pH we can observe the change in CO2 density.

 pH curve for a 750L tank of water after 50 minutes of use

 • Daily from 9:00 to 4:00 CO2 water was sprayed for 5 minutes. Before spraying, the Micro Bubble system was first operated for 25 minutes to increase the CO2 density

 CO2 Micro Bubbles – Seaweed growth, ITRI Green Energy and Environmental Research Laboratories

 • Two economic benefits of raising seaweed: (1) creation of biodiesel (2) creation of health foods.

 • Seaweed are very small and are first incubated in a tank infused with CO2 before being moved outside to grow.

 The biotank mycelium requires large amounts of air to maintain the oxygen level in water. The tank is half-filled with air every minute.

 Micro Bubbles increase the amount of air dissolved into the water and is a new way to raise beneficial bacteria.

 O2 and O3 Micro Bubbles – Sea bass farming in Pingdong, Taiwan

 Sea bass are a high-value fish and their constant growth affects company profits

 Using Micro Bubbles and pure oxygen we were able to control the amount of oxygen in the water and it’s oxidization rate, creating a strong growth environment for the fish

 Micro/Nano Bubbles were used to improve the low oxygen concentrations in the water. Micro Bubbles increased dissolved oxygen levels to a steady 6 ppm.

 With the addition of pure oxygen, dissolved oxygen levels increased to over 7 pmm.

 The Whitewater Company system was used to turn a 150,000L pond of water white for Taiwan's centennial celebration.

 A renewable food safety solution applicable from farm, to factory to fork.

 The White Water Company was established in 2016 following our personal journey with our daughter's Harlequin Ichthyosis. Through collaboration with experts and leaders in the nanobubble field, we partnered with the world's leading industrial manufacturer and founding member of the Fine Bubble Association to develop the world's first truly portable Nanobubbler. Designed with the Ichthyosis Community in mind, The White Water Company has engineered a device to address the challenges associated with this disorder.

 The combination of Nanobubbles, Oxygen, and Anions has given rise to an advanced form of hydrotherapy known as Nanobubble Hydrotherapy (Nan02). This innovative approach offers numerous benefits for skin health, metabolism, and overall well-being.

Nanobubble Hydrotherapy

 By harnessing the advantages of Hydrotherapy alongside the exceptional cleansing, sterilizing, and hydrating properties of Nanobubbles, as well as increased levels of dissolved oxygen, non-invasive Nanobubble Hydrotherapy has been found to be beneficial for:

 Through the infusion of billions of tiny Nanobubbles, high levels of dissolved oxygen, anions, and consistent heat, our additive-free bathing experience improves skin condition and promotes bodily relaxation. While Nanobubble bathing is beneficial for anyone, it can have a significant impact on the quality of life for individuals managing skin diseases. Introducing nanobubbles and dissolved oxygen to conventional hydrotherapy requires a fresh perspective on how it can be utilized to enhance health and wellness.

 Note: The White Water Company does not make any claims regarding weight loss and bodybuilding. These items are marked with an asterisk (*) to indicate they are areas where Nanobubble Hydrotherapy may have potential benefits, but further research and evidence are needed.

 The White Water Company was formed in 2016 due to our personal journey with our daughter's Harlequin Ichthyosis. We have worked with many experts and industry leaders in the nanobubble field. In partnership with the worlds leading industrial manufacturer and founding member of the fine bubble association, we have created the worlds first truly portable Nanobubbler. Designed specifically with the Ichthyosis Community in mind, The White Water Company has helped engineer a device to cope with the rigors of the disorder.

 Our daughter, Clarity, was born with a rare genetic condition known as Ichthyosis; there is no cure! Clarity, like many others with Ichthyosis, have virtually no normal skin function; she can create 20x-30x the usual amount of skin daily, she cannot sweat and was born with bilateral hearing loss. The skin that she does create also has no fats, elastin, or collagen. Current treatment options are Aquaphor, Vaseline, Bleach Baths, and Retinoids; all we found unsuitable for our newborn child.

 For the first 10 months of her life, we found it impossible to bathe Clarity, nothing would shed the excess skin or bacteria from her body. We tried every single bath additive we could find, different kinds of soaps, essential oils, salts, everything! We had no luck, nothing would complete the skin-cycle and relieve her of all this excess skin! This led to many, many, typical complications for Ichthyosis; regularly overheating, skin blocking her ear canals, many Infections as her skin would regularly crack, split, fissure, and bleed from all the excess skin and very limited mobility. All of these are very common for Ichthyosis patients.

 Nothing we tried would complete the skin-cycle for Clarity until one day our dermatologist introduced us to his Micro Bubble sink! He said he had treated five other families with the same technology who had Atopic Dermatitis, Psoriases, and Ichthyosis. We had to try it!

 Nothing we tried would complete the skin-cycle for Clarity until one day our dermatologist introduced us to his Micro Bubble sink! He said he had treated five other families with the same technology who had Atopic Dermatitis, Psoriases, and Ichthyosis. We had to try it!

 What did we have to lose? It's just water and tiny bubbles; we gave it a shot. We were lucky enough to be able to bathe Clarity at our dermatologist in the microbubble sink. We tested it for an hour each time, three days a week for approximately three months.

 It was successful! We could tell after the first 20 minutes session. All Clarity's excess skin had shed, leaving her skin smooth. All her open wounds had been cleaned and closed.

 Our portable nanobubble hydrotherapy device is a revolutionary system that saturates your bathwater with billions of tiny air bubbles, high levels of dissolved oxygen, anions, and consistent heat to collectively combine and form an additive-free bathing experience that improves skin and relaxes the body.

 While beneficial to any bather, the properties of nanobubble bathing can have a dramatic impact on the quality of life for those who struggle with skin disease management.

 The nanobubble system saturates your bathwater with billions of tiny air bubbles, turning your bathwater milky white.

 Frequent bathing in Micro/Nano Bubbles will help deep clean skin pores to leave skin feeling smooth and soft. Micro / Nano Bubbles are tiny bubbles, a size of 0.2 microns, 250 times smaller than skin pores (30-50 microns). Micro Bubbles will dive deep to remove toxins, dust, and other impurities.

 Typical skin pores range from the size of 30 to 50 Microns. Nanobubbles are 0.20 allowing them to enter the skin pores, remove impurities, and carry oxygen to needed areas.

 By crushing nanobubbles, billions of dissolved oxygen particles and over a million anions per cc into bath water, we are able to relieve irritation and hydrate your skin with oxygen. By utilizing this process, oxygen can clean and heal many dry or irritated skin symptoms.

 When Heather and Paul contacted us to tell us about nanotechnology and the way they were implementing it just said it has to be magic!!! Now that we have the technology has given us a better quality of life.... thank you white water co.


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